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International Men's Club of Zug

Club Events

These are events in which the club participates directly or is invited to by our sister club, the Zug International Women's Club (ZIWC)

    • 2024-03-28
    • 2024-09-12
    • 6 sessions
    • Steinhausen, Baar, Ennetsee, Menzingen, Zug, Aegeri

     Zugerberg Finanz is sponsoring the 20th edition of the annual Zugerberg Finanz Trophy this year.  Pre-training begins this weekend.  Please see the Zugerberg Finanz Trophy website for details.

    Fitness and Stammtisch in Exotic Locations

    We usually sit around drinking beer and chatting at Stammtisch. We should exercise more. We generally look for variety in our Stammtisch and not always holding it at the same location. We should not only hold Stammtisch in Zug city but also in other parts of the canton too. We have a golden opportunity to combine fitness with boozing and socialising at our Stammtisch and will all be better for that combination. Zugerberg Finanz Trophy offers a splendid programme of walking legs, both in the lowlands and the highlands , both long, medium and short versions all in our vicinity.

    Johan Ubby discovered the Zugerberg Finanz Trophy and signed himself up for it and created an IMCZ team. I followed suit and signed myself under the team International Men's Club of Zug IMCZ (hope that is the same team name that Johan used). I encourage other IMCZ members to join our team at .  There is a sequence of lowland long, medium and short trips in specific Gemeinde. I propose we focus on these on selected Thursday evenings (see list below), starting at say 5pm doing the short or medium excursion and then holding our Stammtisch in a suitable bar in the vicinity of that leg. E.g. leg in Steinhausen, then Stammtisch in Steinhausen. Below is the Zugerberg Finanz Trophy2024 programme.

    Below that is my suggestion for a combined Walk and Stammtisch programme. 

    I hope you will endorse this programme, even if you don’t actually join the walk and only attend the Stammtisch.  All these locations are accessible by public transport and are worth a visit.

    Please register on our website events if you subscribe to this plan and of course register yourself with team International Men's Club of Zug IMCZ at . 

    Get fit, social fun and know your canto with IMCZ!




    Strecke kurz

    Strecke mittel

    Strecke lang



    Sa, 22.03.2025

    So, 20.04.2025

    2.8 km
    50 m HD

    8.4 km
    130 m HD

    12.3 km
    150 m HD

    4.5 km
    70 m HD


    Mo, 21.04.2025

    So, 18.05.2025

    2.5 km
    20 m HD | neu ab 2024

    5.4 km
    60 m HD | neu ab 2024

    9.4 km
    240 m HD | neu ab 2024

    3.8 km
    110 m HD 


    Mo, 19.05.2025

    So, 15.06.2025

    2.2 km
    20 m HD

    5.1 km
    80 m HD

    14.0 km
    190 m HD

    4.5 km
    60 m HD


    Mo, 16.06.2025

    So, 13.07.2025

    3.6 km
    60 m HD

    8.1 km
    170 m HD

    14.0 km
    260 m HD

    4.0 km
    100 m HD









    Sa, 09.08.2025

    So, 07.09.2025

    2.1 km
    10 m HD

    6.7 km
    30 m HD | neu ab 2024

    17.0 km
    220 m HD | neu ab 2024

    3.1 km
    10 m HD


    Mo, 08.09.2025

    Fr, 03.10.2025

    2.4 km, 60 m HD

    3.9 km, 110 m HD

    17.2 km, 80 m HD

    3.5 km, 90 m HD




    15.6 km
    220m HD

    37.6 km
    580 m HD

    83.9 km
    1140 m HD

    23.4 km
    440 m HD

    Below that is my suggestion for a combined Walk and Stammtisch programme. 

    Beginning of period

    End of period

    Short leg

    (Medium and Long legs available)

    Chosen Thursday 5pm in the allotted time frame

    Chosen venue for the Stammtisch afterwards

    Sa, 22.03.2025

    So, 20.04.2025

    2.8 km
    50 m HD

    Thursday 28-03-24


    Bill L to select oasis in this town

    Mo, 21.04.2025

    So, 18.05.2025

    2.5 km
    20 m HD | neu ab 2024

    Thursday 09-05-24


    Peter A to select oasis in this town

    Mo, 19.05.2025

    So, 15.06.2025

    2.2 km
    20 m HD

    Thursday 06-06-24


    Richard B to select oasis in this town

    Mo, 16.06.2025

    So, 13.07.2025

    3.6 km
    60 m HD

    Thursday 27-06-24


    Richard B to select oasis in this town






    Sa, 09.08.2025

    So, 07.09.2025

    2.1 km
    10 m HD

    Thursday 15-08-24


    Johan U to select oasis in this town

    Mo, 08.09.2025

    Fr, 03.10.2025

    2.4 km, 60 m HD

    Thursday 12-09-24


    Alan C to select oasis in this town



    Short 15.6 km
    220m HD

    Medium 37.6 km
    580 m HD

    Long 83.9 km
    1140 m HD

    Richard Beswick


    International Men's Club of Zug

    • 2024-08-01
    • 10:27 - 13:27
    • Zug Bahnhofsteg

    This Event is Cancelled due to Lack of Uptake.
    Registration is Closed

    Anyone interested in August 1st: Lake Cruise – Super Brunch can book their place from the Ship Company:

    August 1st in Zug is a great event with open doors of some of the most spectacular edifices and some great concerts and activities. Here is the link to the programme.

    As this is Thursday will hold our Stammtisch, we propose an evening meeting (6.00-8.30) in the Landsgemeindeplatz for anyone who wishes to attend.

    As you all know, August 1st is Switzerland’s National Day. Traditionally people celebrate it with a farm brunch, enjoying entertainment in Zug or just with a special meal at home.

    This year August 1st falls on a Thursday. We will not be holding our weekly Stammtisch in the conventional manner. Instead we propose a full day programme: Cruise with brunch - Zug Discovery Tour – Fireworks. Hope you have the stamina! 

    We have made 10 place reservations with an option for more on a cruise ship on the lake of Zug. IMCZ is not sponsoring the event but we are offering to handle the ship ticket for you and create a group to enjoy the cruise and cuisine together. 

    For the  ship ticket you pay via IMCZ and we pay the cruise company. For the meal ticket you pay in the restaurant For this part please pay the appropriate amount to IMCZ  by July 26th.  

    Please register on our events page in the normal manner, stating the number of persons in your party and which ones benefit from discount on the meal due to age and the ship ticket according to procession of GA travelcards, ½ price, Junior Cards or Co-Travelcards apply, as shown below. 

    THOSE INTERESTED IN JOINING THE IMCZ PARTY PLEASE REGISTER ON OUR EVENTS PAGE BY FRIDAY, JULY 26TH. We will inform the cruise company how many persons are in our party. They will reserve a table accordingly to fit the size of our party. Of course, anyone who wishes to book their passage independently from the IMCZ group booking as free to do so. we won't be offended. 


    Below you have the details of the reservation provided by  Schifffahrtsgesellschaft für den Zugersee. They are very competent and friendly, speak English and can answer any questions you have about the cuisine or the cruise.

     All aboard to celebrate Switzerland in style!


    Richard Beswick

    Postfach 7212

    CH-6302 Zug

    • 2024-08-08
    • 18:00 - 20:30
    • Panorama-Bar, Graben 2, 6300 Zug
    Stammtisch Venue August 8th, 2024

    Panorama-Bar, Graben 2, 6300 Zug, Phone: 041 711 07 15 

    Seats will not be reserved, Grab a seat, sit on the wall or stand or spill over into the street. In case of inclement weather we huddle in the indoor bar.

    Please register to give us an idea of uptake. 

    Come and enjoy sunset over the lake. 

    Richard Beswick


    • 2024-08-15
    • 18:00 - 20:18
    • Wirtschaft Freimann, Letzi 27, 6300 Zug. Phone: 041 741 35 10

    n.b. 15 August is a public holiday in Zug.

    Stammtisch 15 August 18:00 - 20.20 will be held at the Restaurant 'Free Man' on the banks of Lorze river in Zug,   in conjunction with the Zugerberg Finanz Trophy fifth leg at 17:00. the restaurant. The restaurant is an iconic Zug lowlands restaurant beloved by locals.

    A table inside or out will be reserved for IMCZ.

    The Zugerberg Finanz Trophy walkers may be a little late for the Stammstisch. 

    Do sign up for the walk if you have not done so already. We would like to strengthen our team with fresh blood. Let's meet to start the walk ithe starting point of the walk is Allmend, Herti, ZFT check in point at 5PM sharp.

    The concept: Fitness and Stammtisch in Canton-wide Municipalities.

    We usually sit around drinking beer and chatting at Stammtisch. We should exercise more. We generally look for variety in our Stammtisch and not always holding it at the same location. We should not only hold Stammtisch in Zug city but also in other parts of the canton too. We have a golden opportunity to combine fitness with boozing and socialising at our Stammtisch and will all be better for that combination. Zugerberg Finanz Trophy offers a splendid programme of walking legs, both in the lowlands and the highlands , both long, medium and short versions all in our vicinity.

    Johan Ubby discovered the Zugerberg Finanz Trophy and signed himself up for it and created an IMCZ team. I followed suit and signed myself under the team International Men's Club of Zug IMCZ (hope that is the same team name that Johan used). I encourage other IMCZ members to join our team at .  There is a sequence of lowland long, medium and short trips in specific Gemeinde. I propose we focus on these on selected Thursday evenings (see list below), starting at say 5pm doing the short or medium excursion and then holding our Stammtisch in a suitable bar in the vicinity of that leg. E.g. leg in Zug, then Stammtisch in Zug . Here is the 2024 programme in Zug leg. we will do the 6.7 km walk.

    Richard Beswick


    • 2024-08-22
    • 18:00 - 22:00
    • Zug Jazz Night Event - On the hoof, no fixed abode- suggested meeting point Althuus Bar, Landsgemeindeplatz
    Stammtisch Venue August 22nd, 2024

    Jazz Night - Old Town of Zug, 20 Fr. Entrance Ticket Required. 

    Proposed meeting point is the Althus Bar in Landsgemeindeplatz at 18:00, take a drink and decide who wants to listen to which of the many performances going on around the Old Town (18:00- 19.00). Then spread out in groups to the preferred gigs.

    In case anyone should get lost in the crowd or we have to change the meeting location at the last minute, the hot line for update on our whereabouts is 

    Richard Beswick:  079 340 44 32 (this time will vigilantly monitor: whatsapp, signal, sms and regular phone calls too).

    Please register to give us an idea of uptake. 

    Come and enjoy great music from Electro-Swing, through Blues and Jazz to Latin and Funk. 

    Richard Beswick


    • 2024-08-29
    • 18:00 - 20:30
    • Gimenen, Oberwil by Zug
    • 11

    Ulrich Straub is a local historian, industrial entrepreneur and vintner who happens to be the grandson of Karl Heinrich Gyr, one of the founders of Landis  & Gyr, the well-known Zug-based electricity metering company. Ulrich, who is also the President of the Industriepfad Lorze, has kindly offered to give an exclusive presentation to the IMCZ on the History of the Industrialization of Zug. Furthermore, Ulrich has invited us to his own home in Gimenen, Zug, where he has lovingly restored an old farmhouse over many years and cultivated vineyards with over 1700 vines, making it the largest vineyard in Zug. Ulrich is well positioned to talk to us, not only about the history of Landis & Gyr (now Landis + Gyr), but also about the other historical Zug-based companies such as Verzinkerei Zug, the Milchsüdi (Nestlé), Zwicky and others. Ulrich is also providing an apéro and a tour of his vineyard. This all adds up to a totally unique event, providing an opportunity to learn about the history of Zug and the remarkable innovations which have happened here. Gimenen is located on the hills above Oberwil, offers stunning views over Lake Zug and is easily reachable by public transport (No.14 Bus).


      18:00 Welcome attendees at the Gimenen Winery, Gimenenweg 18, 6317 Zug (see attached the directions by car)

      If the weather permits, tour of the winery followed by drinks (wine and water)

      19:00 Seated Lecture on History of industry in Zug» by Ulrich Straub, followed by the presentation of our App «Industriekultur Zug»

      19:45 o’clock    Degustation of house wines paired with apéro platters   

      How to find it:

      • Gimenenweg Nr 18, 6317 Oberwil by Zug
      • No. 614 bus from Zug Metalli/Bahnhof to Meisenweg (Direction Gimenen)
      • 8 Stops, 7 Minutes, followed by 110m walk down the drive to the farmhouse. Depart Metalli 17:45, Arrive Meisenberg 15:55
      • 2024-09-05
      • 18:00 - 20:30
      • Chamerstraße 169, 6300 Zug

      Weekly Stammtisch on September 26th  will be at the Centro Espanol, Chamerstraße 169, 6300 Zug. 10 minutes walk from Zug Railway Station.

      Please register on our events page if possible. Of course Members and Non Members can turn up without prior reservation. But it is nice to have pre-registration if you can.

      Looking forward to seeing you there!

      Richard Beswick,


      The International Men's Club of Zug

      Direct Tel: +41 79 340 44 32

      • 2024-09-12
      • 18:00 - 20:18
      • Gasthaus Zum Rössli, Mitteldorfstrasse 1, 6315 Oberägeri Mitteldorfstrasse 1, 6315 Oberägeri


      Stammtisch 12 September 18:00 - 20.20 will be held at the Gasthaus Zum Rössli, Mitteldorfstrasse 1, 6315 Oberägeri,  in conjunction with the Zugerberg Finanz Trophy final leg at 17:00. A table will be booked for IMCZ.  The Zugerberg Finanz Trophy walkers may be a little late for the Stammstisch.

      Do sign up for the walk if you have not done so already. We would like to strengthen our team with fresh blood. Let's meet to start the walk iat 5PM sharp.

      Getting to the restaurant and to the start point of the walk is easy. 601 bus from Zug.

      The concept: Fitness and Stammtisch in Exotic Locations

      We usually sit around drinking beer and chatting at Stammtisch. We should exercise more. We generally look for variety in our Stammtisch and not always holding it at the same location. We should not only hold Stammtisch in Zug city but also in other parts of the canton too. We have a golden opportunity to combine fitness with boozing and socialising at our Stammtisch and will all be better for that combination. Zugerberg Finanz Trophy offers a splendid programme of walking legs, both in the lowlands and the highlands , both long, medium and short versions all in our vicinity.

      Johan Ubby discovered the Zugerberg Finanz Trophy and signed himself up for it and created an IMCZ team. I followed suit and signed myself under the team International Men's Club of Zug IMCZ (hope that is the same team name that Johan used). I encourage other IMCZ members to join our team at .  There is a sequence of lowland long, medium and short trips in specific Gemeinde. I propose we focus on these on selected Thursday evenings (see list below), starting at say 5pm doing the short or medium excursion and then holding our Stammtisch in a suitable bar in the vicinity of that leg. E.g. leg in Aegeri , then Stammtisch in Aegeri . Here is the 2024 programme in Aegeri:

      Do join this active and interesting Stammtisch.

      Richard Beswick


      • 2024-09-14
      • 17:00 - 23:00
      • Siehbachsaal, Chamerstrasse 33, Zug
      • 86

      Event Details:

      Date: Saturday, September 14th

      Time: 5:00 PM - Late

      Location: Beautiful lakeside villa,  Siehbachsaal, Zug

      Ticket price: Early Bird CHF75.– until end August and Late Bird CHF95.-

      Don’t miss out! Join the International Men's Club of Zug for an unforgettable evening at our annual Summer Party! This year, we celebrate the rich culture and traditions of our home base, Zug Switzerland.

      Experience traditional Swiss music: Alphorn blowing, Swiss organ and jodeling and more.

      Enjoy a full bar of typical Swiss drinks such as Wysswy, local Bier, Heuschnaps and more.

      Savour delicious Swiss Apero and Sumptuous Swiss BBQ, featuring delicious local fare such as Wurst, Meats, Salads and other Swiss delicacies.

      Dance the Night Away — to the sounds of renowned local DJ MiBe, who will keep the energy high with a mix of local and international favourites, both modern and old.

      Don’t miss out! Bring family and friends to experience our summer party.

      register you and your guests. Payment options are TWINT or bank transfer directly from the registration page.

      • 2024-09-19
      • 18:00 - 20:30
      • Fischestube, Unter Altstadt 12, 6300 Zug

      Special Stammtisch     

      Welcome and short introduction

      IC Founder Welcome Address - Mr. Nikola Gjorgon

      Keynote speakers (30 min) 

      Timo Dainese, Founder and Managing Partner

      Maurice Pedergnana, Chief Economist and Managing Partner

      Tania Mobayed, Brand Ambassador & Senior Advisor Expat Desk

      Venue: Fischestube, Unter Altstadt 12, 6300 Zug

      Phone: 041 711 04 84

      All Members of IMCZ or ZIWC and their friends are invited to join this session which will take place in the first portion of the standard Stammtisch

      Posted by Richard Beswick, President, IMCZ on behalf of Nikola Gjorgon

      Direct Tel: +41 79 340 44 32

      • 2024-09-26
      • 17:00 - 20:30
      • Wirtschaft Freimann, Letzi 27, 6300 Zug. Phone: 041 741 35 10

      Special Stammtisch - From tree canopy to the subterranean grotto  

      On September 5th to take advantage of the natural beauty of Baar, it is proposed to start the event with a tree canopy walk in the spectacular new Stägefrässer, followed by a dive into the spectacular Höllgrotten to resurface and retire to the cozy country restaurant Höllgrotten.

      To fit that all that into our Stammtisch, it is proposed to start the tree walk at 4pm, the grotto descent at 5pm and the restaurant at 6pm. Hope many will be able to get away from the grindstone in time to enjoy the full programme. Those that cannot, may join at any stage and if you contact us, we will let you know where we’re at.

      Do join this active and interesting Stammtisch.

      Richard Beswick


      • 2024-10-24
      • 2024-10-28
      • Speyside, Scotland

      Scottish Whisky Tour – Speyside 25th – 27th October

      Scottish Routes Tours

      Fancy a Wee Dram?                                                    

      8 intrepid IMCZ members and friends will be visiting Scotland to imbibe in the heavenly libations of Speyside. The tour is open to others up to a maximum of 12.

      The 3-day private tour will take place between 25th & 27th October and includes visiting 7-8 whisky distilleries via stunning scenic routes.

      We will arrive in Edinburgh on the 24th October and enjoy the delights of the city prior to being picked up from a meeting point by a mini bus on the morning of Friday 25th  to commence our tour. Everyone needs to make their own accommodation arrangements in Edinburgh and are free to arrive and depart the city at their own leisure.

      Tour accommodation and base camp will be at the Speyside Hotel in Granton-on-Spey in twin rooms.

      The cost of the tour including 2 night’s accommodation and minibus is £ 775.00 (Fr. 900.00) per person.

      Accommodation in and flights to and from Edinburgh will have to be arranged by each person themselves.

      The maximum group size would be 16 people due to the seating limitations of the minibus, so interested parties should book asap.

      A 20% non refundable deposit (Fr.180) is required on registration and the balance (Fr.720) is due by beginning of September 24.

      Please register in the relevant ticket class:

      ·         If you are  potentially interested in joining the tour, but do not want to commit to a firm reservation, chose ticket category: ‘Expression of interest, no firm commitment’

      ·         If you definitely wish to join the tour, and want to commit to a firm reservation, chose ticket category: ‘Reservation with payment of deposit of 180 Fr.’

      For further information feel free to contact the tour leader Peter Lichtensteiger at or

      • 2024-11-15
      • 18:30 - 23:00
      • Pulverturm,Zugerbergstrasse, Zug 6300
      • 41

      IMCZ is proud to announce it's third Wine Circle Event which will fittingly be held in the Pulver Tower in the Zug Old Town, on Friday 15th November 2024, from 18:30 till 23:00.

      The exact format will be defined. The interim concept will build on that of previous editions: Each attendee is kindly requested to bring a bottle of their preferred wine and we will all taste and enjoy these wines together. There will be nibbles provided, courtesy of IMCZ, as well as still/sparking water which will be available during the evening.

      Registration will be opened in September

      Please register then for this special event so that we can judge the amount of food and beverage required. Members of ZIWC, friends and family (over 18) are all welcome to attend. Just make sure you bring your own wine (one bottle per person) to share and be prepared to tell us something about it.

      Non-members who wish to partake in food are kindly asked to pay CHF20 (cash) each. They can decide on the night if they wish to partake or not.

      Many thanks to former IMCZ Member Ben Grech for coming up with the idea for this Wine Circle event and organizing the first two editions.

      All the best!

      Richard Beswick


      International Men's Club of Zug

      079 340 44 32

      • 2024-12-13
      • 18:00 - 21:00
      • Pulverturm, Zugerbergstrasse, Zug 6300
      • 40

      IMCZ New Members' Reception (NMR) 2024

      Takes place on Friday instead of Thursday

      This NMR Stammtisch is dedicated to New and Prospective Members of the International Men’s Club of Zug, a vibrant community dedicated to uniting globally minded men in Canton Zug!

      We offer:         cultural exchange          social & networking events         inclusive community         collaborative initiatives         trips and travel         benefits of a Zug club

      Come and experience first-hand the diversity of our international community.

      Registration will be available from September.

      Register here on our Website Club Events Page for our New Members' Reception!

      All members new and old are cordially invited to partake of an Apero-Riche, participate in a quiz and enjoy networking in the iconic surroundings of the Powder Tower. 
      Pulverturm address from

      Members may bring a friend or family member with potential interest in our club.

      Order of the evening: IMCZ NMR 2024

      • Reception opens: 18.00
      • Check in of registered guests
      • Provision of name badges to identify legitimate guests and facilitate networking
      • Club newcomers & veterans meet, greet and mingle and partake of apero-riche
      • Welcome message from the president and the board and toast to new members
      • Fun quiz on Zug and international affairs
      • Induction of new members (no initiation ceremony or swearing in:) )
      • Reception closes: 21.00.

      We look forward to a gathering of old and new members and thoroughly enjoyable reception.

      Richard Beswick, President,

      The International Men's Club of Zug

      Direct Tel: +41 79 340 44 32

    International Men's Club of Zug (IMCZ)
    Postfach 7212, CH-6302 Zug
    Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software