2. Thursday 7 March 18:00 we’ll be at Flanagan’s
n.b. this week our reservation is for tables on the upper floor back bar, not downstairs as has typically been the case. This is to test out which location suits us best.
****** Please note 7 March is Regular Stammtisch at Flanagan's, 14 March is the AGM in lieu of Stammtisch and will be held at Flanagan's Downstairs Bar Private, 21 March is Special Stammtisch with Investment Circle Speaker at Flanagan's Downstairs Bar, 28 March is a Special Stammtisch in conjunction with the Zugerberg Trophy first leg, will be held at the Rössli, Hammerstrasse 2, 6312 Steinhausen. 041 741 60 55 ************
Name of Venue: Flanagan's Irish Pub Zug
Address of Venue: Bundespl. 16, 6300 Zug
Website: https://www.flanagans.ch/zug/
Telephone: 041 710 26 18
Suggested navigation Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/zpRzCjJXimAHdjETA
Please register on our events page if possible. Of course Members and Non Members can turn up without prior reservation. But it is nice to have pre-registration if you can.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Richard Beswick,
The International Men's Club of Zug
Direct Tel: +41 79 340 44 32