Join us for our weekly Stammtisch at the
Restaurant Gotthardhof, Bundesplatz 16, diagonally opposite from the Pickwick pub!
The 4th Stammtisch of the month is now consecrated to the IMCZ Investment Circle, founded by member Nikola Gjorgon. We have many members with strong interest and competence in a wide range of investments.
Do join this first interesting session on May 25th! Please preregister under Events on our website, either here under the Event entitled 'Investment Circle' or on the Stammtisch registration page. The Stammtisch and the Investment Circle coincide.
Tour of the Oldest Goldsmith in the World
What: visit of about 60 minutes to tour the oldest goldsmith in the world. This tour is part of the Investment Circle programme which occurs on 4th Stammtisch of each month.
When: fourth Thursday of June, coinciding with the weekly Stammtisch, 22nd June at 18:00
Where: Lohri AG, Neugasse 9/26/27, 6300 Zug. Tel 041 710 3014
Who: Guided tour of goldsmith premises by Franz Lohri followed by guided tour of the jewellers by Isabel Mössner
Invitation: Numbers limited to 15 persons. Invitation extended to IMCZ and ZIWC members
Cost: CHF10 per person, paid at the event in cash by each guest.
After party: After the tour we will go to the Landsgemeindeplatz for a drink.
Registration: Please register no later than June 15 on IMCZ website. Places are limited to 15. First come first served.
For questions please contact Nikola Gjorgon: gjorgon@windowslive.com