Special Alert for IMCZ and ZIWC
Change of IMCZ Stammtisch venue on 18th May: 18:00
Change of IMCZ Board Meeting venue on 18th May: 19.30
May 18th is a public holiday Ascenion/Christi Himmelfahrt. The Gotthardhof will be closed and is not available for IMCZ Stammtisch and Board Meetings.
The planned Stammtisch and Board Meetings will be held at the Freiruum, Zählerweg 5, 6300 Zug. 041 510 86 06. Opening times 9AM to 12 AM (food stalls 11.30am-2pm / 5.30pm-9.30pm)
The Board meeting will also be conducted over Zoom, as two board members are currently overseas. The Webmaster is kindly request to set up the Zoom meeting and invite all board members.
The 3rd Stammtisch of each month is open to members of the ZIWC to join the IMCZ Stammtisch. Thus, it is important that this change of venue be communicated to ZIWC members.
Please note also that there is another public holiday, Corpus Christi on Thursday, 8th June. We will make suitable arrangements for the Stammtisch on that date in due course.
ZIWC members please join us for our weekly Stammtisch at the Restaurant Gotthardhof, Bundesplatz 16, diagonally opposite from the Pickwick pub!
Joint Stammtisch: Every third Thursday of the month, our evening Stammtisch at 18:00 is joint IMCZ and ZIWC.
Thu I 18-May-23 this one
June omitted at the request of ZIWC
Thu 20-Jul-23
Thu 17-Aug-23
Thu 21-Sep-23
Thu 19-Oct-23
Thu 16-Nov-23
Thu 21-Dec-23
Thu 18-Jan-24
Thu 15-Feb-24
Thu 21-Mar-24
Thu 18-Apr-24