Honky Tonk Festival promises a deluge of music genres including blues, hillbilly, country, jazz and more.
It takes place at multiple locations (~30) in Lucerne on Friday, March 10th from 20:00 to 01:00. Tickets cost 25Fr. and can be obtained on-line from https://honkytonkfestival.ch/vorverkauf
We are not making this an IMCZ club event, but I think it would be fun go as a group. For that purpose, we have set up registration so we can form a group.
Those that would like to join our group could meet up at one of the following locations:
- Zug Railway Station, at 20:00, Platform 4, Luzern Train, IR75 20.03. (last train back from Luzern at 01:21)
- Luzern Railway Station, at 20.30, Under the Clock Tower/Arch in front of the station.
Take a look at the vast array of venues and music and it is likely that there will be some differences of opinion about which concert to attend. Our group may fragment and regroup according to individual preferences.
We recommend keeping in touch and locating each other over the IMCZ Signal group:
Street food and beverages should be readily available.
Take a look at the programme for more details: https://honkytonkfestival.ch/programm.
My suggestion is to focus on the following venues, Montana – National – Schweizerhof,
but that is just one option of many and we can decide on the spot:
Hope to see you there and share an enjoyable evening of Honky Tonk in scenic Luzern.
Richard Beswick
President IMCZ