Join us for our weekly Stammtisch at the
Restaurant Gotthardhof, Bundesplatz 16, diagonally opposite from the Pickwick pub! This week is a special Stammtisch.
Thursday 23rd March 2023 (6:00 for 6:30 pm)
Venue: Bughouse Bar, adjacent and below the Gotthardhof, Bundesplatz 16, 6300 Zug
A Special Stammtisch open to IMCZ and ZIWC members, and their friends and partners
Prior registration on the IMCZ Website is recommended but is not a prerequisite for participation
An event for those curious about sailing, exploring the high seas or the adventures of an IMCZ sailor
written by
Although Captain Tubs grew up in Durban close to a large yacht harbour, he never set foot on a yacht until he was forty years old. His decision to start sailing was made in, of all places, Tignes, the French Ski Resort.
Captain Tubs tells the story of how this sailing adventure came about, the agony of learning to sail, finding his delightful yacht Emma Mae and, as a rookie sailor with the help of some close friends, sailed away from England’s fair shores in July 1993.
The story, Mediterranean Adventure, tells of Emma Mae’s journey around the Channel Islands, through Brittany into the Bay of Biscay, along the rivers and canals of France and down to the Mediterranean. From mainland Spain across to Mallorca, where Emma Mae lived for three years, then finally to the Greek island of Corfu. The entire journey having been planned and guided by the Greek Gods.
Wayne (Captain Tubs) will give IMCZ members a short illustrated PowerPoint presentation of some highlights of this adventure, which include a few near-death experiences. Captain Tubs will invite members to join in the discussion, ask questions and offer their own sailing experiences for us all to enjoy.
A bound PDF copy of MEDITERRANEAN ADVENTURE will be presented to one lucky (or unlucky) member, whose name will be pulled out of a hat at the end of the evening’s presentation.