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International Men's Club of Zug

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  • IFZ FinTech Colloquium 2020

IFZ FinTech Colloquium 2020

  • 2020-11-19
  • 13:30 - 17:00
  • HSLU Campus Zug-Rotkreuz, Suurstoffi 1

The Institute of Financial Services Zug (IFZ) of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) has rescheduled this year's IFZ FinTech Colloquium (which was originally planned for March, but was postponed due to the CoViD-19 outbreak) for Thursday, 19 November 2020. 

The colloquium, which is free of charge, is planned as a hybrid event. This means that a live event on site (Rotkreuz, Switzerland) is combined with a virtual online component. Speakers are free to choose which of these two channels they want to use.

Papers for presentation are still being accepted.  The deadline to submit a paper is Friday, 9 October 2020.

Please see the HSLU website for further information, as well as links for registration and paper submission.

International Men's Club of Zug (IMCZ)
Postfach 7212, CH-6302 Zug
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