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International Men's Club of Zug

  • Home
  • Virtual Stammtisch

Virtual Stammtisch

  • 2020-04-09
  • 18:00 - 19:20


Registration is closed

As you all know, the order of the Swiss Federal Government prevents us from meeting physically.  However, our President, Bill Lichtensteiger will host a virtual Stammtisch instead.  We will meet via Zoom.

Since we may be limited to 40 minutes, here is the meeting ID for the first 40 minutes: 979-622-512

If there is enough interest, for a second session, here is the meeting ID for a continuation: 833-551-436

The Stammtisch is a great opportunity to get to know members better. Discover their interesting experiences, ideas and opinions!  Feel free to invite any friends who might be interested.

We usually meet at the City Garden Hotel or at the Freiruum, but in view of the CoViD-19 pandemic, we are trying to meet virtually instead.

International Men's Club of Zug (IMCZ)
Postfach 7212, CH-6302 Zug
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